Cheap Trains Ticket

Refund & Cancellations

Train Cancellation / Refund & Changes in your Booking

You have up to two hours before your Train to make changes to your reservation, such as adding extra seat, switching seats, or requesting an upgrade. Your ticket will be issued again if the changes the date, the destination, or the time. You may even decide to cancel your reservation.

Calling Us to handle everything on your behalf is the quickest and easiest way to change or cancel your cheaptrainsticket.

Receipt of a Refund

You will receive a refund if your train tickets is canceled, subject to the “Cancellations & Refunds” policy of the relevant trains.

You can get in touch with us if you’re unsure whether your booking delay or cancellation qualifies for compensation, a refund, or both.

We will be happy to help you claim the maximum refund.

Other Services Refund/ Cancellation Policy

  • ZERO Cancellation service is valid only on selected flights booked on

  • Amount collected for availing cancellation service Fee will be non-refundable.

  • Customer will be eligible for the complete waiver for selected flights only if he cancels the ticket 24 hours prior to departure.

  • In case of cancellation, waiver will not be given & normal cancelation penalties will be charged.

  • In the event of any misuse or abuse of the offer by the customer of travel agent, reserve the rights to deny the offer or cancel the booking. shall not refund the booking amount in such cases.

  • Customers, who are travel agents by occupation, are barred from making bookings for their customers and reserve the rights to deny the offer or cancel the shall not refund the booking amount in such cases.

  • is the sole authority for interpretation of these terms